- Design a c++ program to implement the following using i/o formatting functions. itemcode quantity price amount
1 -------- -- --------- - ------- ---------
2 ---------- ----------- ------ ----------
-- ----------- ------------ -------- ------------
- Design a program in c++ to demonstrate the concept of message passing using:
- call by value.
- Call by address
- Call by reference
- Return by reference
- Design and develop a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of control structures.
- Design a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of function overloading to calculate the volumes of cube, cylinder and rectangular box.
- Design a program in C++ to illustrate array of objects to implement the following.
Student marks list.
Sno sname m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 avg grade rank
----- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ----- -----
----- ------ --- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ----- -----
------ ------ ---- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- ----- ----
For a given student number, the information of the student has to be displayed.
- Develop a C++ class to generate employee information using the concepts of constructors and array of objects. For a given employee number, the information regarding the employee has to be displayed.
- Design a C++ class to demonstrate different types of constructors viz.,
- default constructors
- parameterized constructors
- overloaded constructors
- copy constructors
- dynamic constructors
- Design a C++ program to implement constructor overloading to calculate the
- area of triangle
- area of a rectangle
- area of a circle
- area of a sphere
- Design and develop a program in c++ to illustrate the following operations on strings
- finding the length of a string
- to copy the contents of one string to another string
- to concatenate two strings.
- Design and develop a program in C++ to illustrate operator overloading to perform the following operations on complex numbers:
- addition
- substraction
- multiplication
- division
- Design a C++ class to illustrate hierarchial inheritance taking an example of your own.
- Develop a program in c++ to illustrate the concept of multiple inheritance in preparing the marks statement of an university examination with the following items read from the keyboard:
Name of the student
Roll number
Subject name
Subject code
Internal marks
External marks
The following methods have to be identified:
a. display the menu options
b. insert a new entry
c. delete an entry
d. display all the entries
e. display the selected entry.
- For a given employee number the following has to be displayed
Eno, ename, HRA, DA, gross, ded, net has to be displayed.
- Design and develop a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of virtual functions to draw various types of figures using graphical functions.
- Design a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of sequential access using files to implement student information.
for a given student number, the information regarding the student has to be displayed i.e., sno, sname,marks,total, avg, pass/fail.
- Design a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of random access using files to implement inventory control system.
- Design a program in C++ to perform various searching and sorting operations for an integer and float array.
- Design a program a program in C++ to illustrate the concept of files in
- creating a file
- updating a file
- deleting a file
- Design a C++ template to implement queue operations like insert, delete and displaying the contents of the queue.
- Design and develop a program in C++ to illustrate operator overloading to perform various mathematical operations on matrices.
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